Fettuccine Fresh


Duis maximus ipsum id arcu euismod ultricies. Donec tincidunt enim eu leo sodales, sit amet molestie nisl sollicitudin. Duis volutpat, erat eu pharetra interdum, eros magna imperdiet felis, vel rutrum mi dui in ipsum. Sed sed dictum quam. Etiam iaculis accumsan tortor, in interdum arcu eleifend ut. Nulla odio orci, eleifend eget lorem eget, ultricies bibendum erat. Quisque eget metus hendrerit, bibendum mi id, scelerisque velit.

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A good leader gets things done; a great leader aspires, inspires, and achieves more. This book highlights the differences between good and great, and shows you how to bridge the chasm between getting things done and making things happen.Business is evolving at an increasingly rapid rate, and leaders must keep pace with the changes or risk stagnation. People work differently, are motivated differently, and have different expectations today—business as usual is quickly losing its effectiveness. The Leadership Challenge helps you stay current, relevant, and effective in the modern workplace.

  • Gain deep insight into leadership’s critical role in organizational health
  • Navigate the shift toward team-oriented work relationships
  • Motivate and inspire to break through the pervasive new cynicis.